Brother Andre Hospital (BAH) Dandora opened in 2017 to serve the health care needs of the people of Dandora, a community living in the largest active dumpsite in Nairobi, Kenya. With a focus on maternal and child welfare, BAH Dandora also serves the larger community through general outpatient services. March to the Top partnered with the University of Notre Dame’s Ford Program and New Dawn Africa to create and sustain this life-saving medical center.
Since 2012, March to the Top has worked in partnership with the Dandora community to identify gaps in service provision. A comprehensive community assessment revealed an urgent need for maternal health care. In 2015, we began construction of the Brother Andre Hospital to provide mother and child services to the greater Dandora community. Since completion, March to the Top has provided ongoing operational funding and, through our indigent women’s fund, ensured the most vulnerable populations receive quality treatment.
Maternal health is an imperative need in Dandora, where women are two times more likely to die in childbirth than in Kenya as a whole. Furthermore, miscarriages, child mortality, and birth defects occur with greater frequency in Dandora when compared to other Kenyan communities. Wide-spread poverty and massive dumping of hazardous waste leave the community of Dandora more vulnerable than most to life-threatening health problems. The Brother Andre Hospital has been working since 2017 to make health a priority for children and families in Dandora.
“What you help a child to love can be more important that what you help him to learn.”