SAM Elimu

SAM Elimu was founded by our good friend Peter Linneman and provides educational opportunities and mentorship to impoverished children in central Kenya. Their holistic approach provides the structure and support necessary for students to succeed. Aside from sponsorship, the organization provides an array of resources including mentorship programs, support groups, tutoring, career counseling, and internships.


March to the Top has supported SAM Elimu through school fee sponsorship and participation in annual counseling retreats. Most recently, AINA-New Hope students participated in the 2023 SAM Elimu secondary school academic retreat. Students spent three days reviewing coursework for the upcoming school term, identifying goals and defining pathways to success. The students took part in CV writing and mentorship sessions that will provide the foundation for job-seeking in the near future.


Although many children in Kenya complete primary school, only about 26% continue on to secondary (high school) and even fewer graduate. Many of those that do go on, are first generation secondary school students. SAM Elimu identifies high-achieving, but economically disadvantaged, primary school students and provides them the resources to continue on to secondary and tertiary education. The counseling, resources, follow-up and guidance provided by SAM Elimu staff exponentially increase the probability of secondary or tertiary school graduation. Further programming assists in finding internships and job placement. In a country with rising youth unemployment, SAM Elimu grants aspiring applicants the skills and fortitude necessary for success.


“Nine-tenths of education is encouragement.”

– Anatole France



1237 Magnum
New Braunfels, TX 78132

March to the Top - Africa (M2T) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.
Copyright ©  2025, March to the Top - Africa (M2T),  All rights reserved.
Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

FEIN: 26-1625731